La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Spazio riservato a tutti i personaggi - minori e non - che hanno gravitato attorno ai Genesis: Chester Thompson, Daryl Stuermer, Chris Stewart, John Silver e Mayhew, Nir Z, Bill Bruford...

La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Rael Matrix » 23 May 2007, 07:11

Dal MILWAUKEE HOME, INTERLUDE,una rivista del Wisconsin (nr. di maggio-giugno 2007), pubblica alcune foto d'interno della casa di Daryl assieme alla moglie Michaela:







Why would a rock star choose to live in Milwaukee
rather than, say, Europe or New York? Or even Los
If you’re Daryl Stuermer, it’s because you like it here. Stuermer, an
accomplished rock/jazz guitarist with several solo albums and a rich
history of playing with Jean Luc Ponty, Genesis and the Phil Collins
band, grew up in St. Francis and enjoys the “normal” feel of Milwaukee.
He and his wife Michaela did actually reside in California
in the 1970s, but came home to raise their two daughters out of the
limelight. “Alan Arkin says it well,” Daryl says. “‘You can sum up
California in three words: Look At Me.’”
The Stuermers enjoy the relative anonymity of living here, but
if you still want to Look At Him, you can see Daryl on stage during
the upcoming “Turn It On Again” tour of Genesis (the first in 15
years), which begins in the United States in September, following
the first leg of the tour in Europe over the summer.
Meanwhile, the north shore is home base for the Stuermers, who
looked at 40 houses before finding their center-entrance colonial 15
years ago. When they walked in, it felt right, almost like they’d been
there before. At 4000 square feet, it’s not a McMansion, but large
enough to relax in and receive guests. “We like to entertain,” says
Michaela. “We’ve had 75 people in here with no problem.”
Their home is attractive and comfortable, with artistic details such
as a painted border on the family room ceiling that matches the scalloped
edge of the carpet. Lauri Krakora, an interior designer with
Staging Chicago, LLC, helps the Stuermers select furnishings and artwork
for their home. “They’re great people,” says Krakora. “They’re
trusting, they respect my work, and they have a great understanding
of how things come together in a project.”
While they tried to keep the architectural details intact as much
as possible (the original glass doorknobs are still there, for example),
the Stuermers needed to make some changes to the home for
functionality. Even before they began working with Krakora, they
renovated the upstairs master bedroom suite. The master bath now
has an entrance from the bedroom, and there’s another entrance to
a large walk-in closet (a former bedroom). The entire suite is decorated
in calm neutrals.
Michaela half-jokes that she wanted the bedroom to make Daryl
comfortable, since he was on the road so much. “We made it look
like the Four Seasons!” she says.
Some pieces in the home, such as cabinets and tables, were
handed down from other family members, and Michaela plans on
continuing that tradition with their two daughters, Kelly, 26, and
Fiona, 19. Porcelain figurines fill an art deco cabinet in a corner of
the living room, and there’s also a collection of Villeroy & Boch
plates. A curio cabinet contains more than a dozen tiny musical
instruments that Daryl brought home from Hong Kong after a tour.
The next home project is a kitchen and powder room remodel. “It
will have a very traditional Old-World look,” says Krakora. “There’s
an antique vanity sink and black and white marble flooring.”
Like most families, the Stuermers spend a lot of time in the
kitchen, and “Chef Michaela,” as Daryl calls her, comments on
the woodwork surrounding the fan over the stove. “It’s so industrial
and German-looking,” she says.
“Just like your husband,” says Daryl.
Besides their own home, the couple is interested in the preservation/
restoration aspect of other buildings in the Milwaukee area.
Michaela is a member of Historic Milwaukee, and both feel a connection
to the past through architecture. “Sometimes on Sundays
we just go driving around looking at buildings,” says Michaela.
In 1998, they purchased Warehouse Nº1, in the Third Ward, and
are in the process of restoring and leasing it to business tenants. At
75,000 square feet, the building is a classic, with 12-to 16-foot-high
ceilings, thick rough-hewn beams and large open spaces. “It’s kind
of like a New York loft,” says Daryl.
Of course, besides architecture, the couple shares a love of music.
The roots run deep — there’s a picture in the living room of Daryl’s
grandfather holding a concertina. Michaela, a former singer, says,
“When we met, we were both in different bands. For as long as I’ve
known him, we’ve been in music.” Today, while Daryl is writing,
recording and touring, Michaela runs Urban Island Music, LLC, the
couple’s recording company. When Daryl is on the road, Michaela
often comes out for a few days to be with him and to see the sights.
Through the years, their on-the-job travels have taken them to
some fascinating places. They’ve been to the Academy Awards,
where Daryl performed with Phil Collins, who won for his song,
You’ll Be In My Heart, in 2000. They’ve been to Buckingham Palace,
where Daryl and Collins played for Prince Charles’ 40th birthday
party in 1988. That evening, they rubbed shoulders with all of the
royals, including Princess Diana. “She was great,” says Michaela.
When the band started playing, Diana selected a spot in front, and
sat right down on the floor in her ball gown.
Daryl smiled. “Then they all started looking at each other, and
began sitting on the floor with her,” he says.
“And Al Gore was there,” he continues. “He and Tipper were the
only other Americans. It was getting to be about 1:30 a.m. and Al
said, ‘I have to leave; I have a flight at 6:30 tomorrow morning.’ He
was going to Antarctica — so his recent movie, that’s for real — he
was studying the environment way back then!”
One of the most interesting band tours, according to Daryl, took
place when Collins decided he wanted to go to countries and venues
they’d never played before, places like the Czech Republic, Romania,
Lebanon and Serbia. “I think it was in Lithuania where someone in
the crowd held up a poster that said, ‘We’ve been waiting for you for
30 years,’” says Daryl.
In addition to working with Collins over the years, Daryl has his
own band here, and has recorded seven solo albums, with another,
Go, released in April. Daryl describes his newest music as progressive,
high-energy, edgy guitar. “I call it rock fusion,” he says. “There’s a
lot of smooth jazz right now, and that’s why I’m going in just the
opposite direction.”
If you ask the Stuermers what they do for fun, they have a difficult
time answering. “Fun?” says Daryl. “Honestly, my job is fun.
Michaela will say, ‘what do you want to do tonight,’ and I’ll say, ‘I’m
doing it!’”

Manya kaczkowski
Rael Matrix
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby percuoco » 23 May 2007, 07:36

'tacci sua che casa.....

ma e' endorser di Godin ??? [;)][;)][;)]
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby smiroldo » 23 May 2007, 08:08

mei cojoni [:D] proprio come casetta mia...
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby cymbaline » 23 May 2007, 11:29

che casa orribile, non mi piace per niente...[:-I][xx(] è proprio vero che chi ha i soldi non ha gusto[:D]
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby zio peter » 23 May 2007, 11:42

Quoto Cymb!
Ma che è? museo delle cere di Madame Tussaud o una casa di tolleranza periodo bellico?[X-P]
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby SQUONK64 » 23 May 2007, 11:53

il tipico arredamento che odio...pur essendo di natura un tradizionalista, aborro il classic e classichegiante, specie se pomposo e caone ...lo trovo pesante, cupo..amo invece l'arredamento solare, moderno ma non freddo, colorato ma non alcuni momenti penso che vorrei una casa arredata stile anni 60, con quei colori pastello..[8:-x]..tonando in casa è la classica villona americana...beato l'avrei arredata diversamente [;)]
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby percuoco » 23 May 2007, 11:54

Il gusto e' orribile... ma per me che vivo in una casa di 50 mq lo spazio e' sempre motivo di sluuurp.. [:D][:D][:D]
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby zio peter » 23 May 2007, 11:57

Ma l'ha fatta arredare da Stevie Wonder?.....con tutto il rispetto,eh....[O:-)]
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Lennu » 23 May 2007, 12:27

Originally posted by smiroldo

mei cojoni [:D] proprio come casetta mia...

Mah, io in cucina c'ho pure la lavastoviglie... lui? Non la vedo

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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby smiroldo » 23 May 2007, 12:28

mah, la cucina a me non dispiace [8D]...rispetto ai miei tre metri quadri, poi...
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Lennu » 23 May 2007, 12:30

Ma quella piantina in cucina secondo voi è basilico? Du' spaghi ar pesto se li fa?

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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Senka76 » 23 May 2007, 12:46

se se siete solo invidiosi[;)] ad avercela una casa come la sua[:.-(]
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Salmacis » 23 May 2007, 22:09

bella,bella quale???la parte di schermo nera o quella bordata con la X in alto a sinistra?[:D][:D]
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Rael » 24 May 2007, 14:46

Originally posted by Salmacis

bella,bella quale???la parte di schermo nera o quella bordata con la X in alto a sinistra?[:D][:D]

Salmacina,sei sempre la più forte....[;)]
"No,non sono un genio.Sono incasinato.Sono merdoso come tutti gli altri e sono anche meraviglioso,come tutti gli altri.Credo che il duro lavoro e l'impegno producano tanto quanto il talento".
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Dalex_61 » 02 Jul 2007, 12:38

Un momento... la prima foto, quella dell'ingresso... ma non è la casa di Samantha e Darrin nei telefilm "Mia moglie è una strega"?
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby windshield74 » 29 Jul 2007, 16:48

Solo ora vedo questa casetta...che dire, fa proprio schifo!!![X-P][X-P][X-P][X-P][X-P][X-P][X-P][X-P][X-P][X-P][X-P]
Con tutti i soldi che ti sei fatto Daryl potevi anche spenderli comunque li dentro manco morto ci andrei, preferisco starmene nei miei 45 mq....
Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare la donna mia quand'ella altrui saluta, e invece è una maiala risaputa...
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Senka76 » 29 Jul 2007, 17:15

a me l'unico schifo pare la moglie di Daryl[:-I]...[:-D][:D]
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Salmacis » 06 Aug 2007, 14:39

scusate se riprendo sto topic eh,ma come sapete il mio pc fa notoriamente ca**re,e al primo pc utile a cui mi attacco...sclero!!vai di foto che mi son persa![:D]
mah,che non l'arrederei così,vero....però non mi dispiace[:)]cioè,la cucina è caruccia,e adoro le pareti rosse[:D]il salotto fa schifo,sì,sembra quello di quelle zie vecchissime che abbiamo tutti,quelle che non vedi mai e che sei costretto a sbaciucchiare da piccolo...[:-D]
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Raven » 07 Aug 2007, 05:34

Sembra un set da thriller B-movie.
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby cymbaline » 07 Aug 2007, 11:42

Originally posted by Senka76

a me l'unico schifo pare la moglie di Daryl[:-I]...[:-D][:D]

addirittura schifo...[:-|] come ti permetti di parlare così di una signora? ma tu guarda sti giovinastri...[:-!]
When illusion spin her net
I'm never where I want to be
And liberty she pirouette
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby zio peter » 07 Aug 2007, 11:48

..a me sembra Caterina Caselli...."Arrivederci,amore ciao,vai co li Genesis a sonààààà!!!"
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Salmacis » 07 Aug 2007, 22:55

in effetti non è così male...molto peggio l'inguardabile moglie di tony,che probabilmente si fa gli sciacqui con l'anitra wc.....[:D]
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La casa di Daryl ( e la moglie di Daryl )

Postby Senka76 » 11 Aug 2007, 10:19

Originally posted by cymbaline

addirittura schifo...[:-|] come ti permetti di parlare così di una signora? ma tu guarda sti giovinastri...[:-!]

eheh[^] che dovevo dire che era una bonazza?[:D]
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