Le storielle raccontate prima-durante il Lamb 1975

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Le storielle raccontate prima-durante il Lamb 1975

Postby Rael Matrix » 23 Apr 2010, 19:19

Prendo spunto da un topic postato da Parcu nella sezione "L'Ultima Spiaggia" perchè si deve preparare per gli esami di maturità e nello specifico vuole farsi interrogare per la materia "inglese" sulle storielle che raccontava Peter nel Lamb tour 1974-1975.

Mi sono detto che parafransando l'UNESCO anche le introduzioni di Peter meritano di essere salvaguardate in qualche modo anche se non paragonabili come "patrimonio dell'Umanità".[:D]

Ringrazio Magog per il contributo già dato nel topic originale.[:)]

Parte 1.a The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway Tour (Gli show USA con introduzione)

La Storia di Rael Parte.1 (Pre-Show, 22-11-1974, Indianapolis)
The thing is a story concerning a guy off the streets of New York by the name of Rael.

A large wall is lowered into Times Square which sinks across 47th street until it eventually wipes off the entire Manhattan Island. The wall hits our hero and knocks him unconscious. He regains consciousness in a cocoon like situation which in turn becomes a rock like cave which causes a claustrophobic fear. He removes himself from this at the sight of his brother John and is taken into a place called the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging which is an inanimate building filled with motionless bodies.

We've divided it up roughly in the same way we have on the record which is four sides and this is the first section of the story of Rael. Thank you.

La Storia di Rael Parte.2 (prima di Back in N.Y.C., 22-11-1974, Indianapolis)
Thank you very much.

This particular point our hero has moved out of the Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging having seen the faces of family and friends into a almost complete reconstruction of his life back above ground in New York City. And there meeting some of his old friends of the street he moves on into one of his first great romantic adventures. He'd studied the sex technique by numbers school of thought for many years and after becoming suitably accomplished in the literature of this philosophy he had the opportunity to practice it for the very first time.

It was a disaster for our hero and he was left cuddling a porcupine. This took him a little further on into a place of carpet crawling which was a stairway up into a room which had 32 doors or 32 anyway and only one of these doors was capable of leading him and the other inhabitants of this chamber out to safety. This takes us on the next tour of the story.

We have just temporarily a comical sketch for light relief starring Gus the roadie and Michael the bass guitarist. Delightful.

La Storia di Rael Parte.3 (prima di Lilywhite Lilith, 22-11-1974, Indianapolis)
We've joined up the third, last two sides and during this very shortly Rael is taken though a series of caves by a blind lady called Lilywhite Lilith. She leaves him finally in a small round cave and two golden globes begin to light up the passageway and as they move in the whole thing becomes bright and dazzling white and the night begins to make Rael very frightened and he picks up a stone, hurtles it at the centre of the white light and this then causes a roof collapse thunderous noise and leaves him in a situation that he cannot escape from. This gives him the opportunity to meet his lifelong hero a gentlemen by the name of death. Death is looking very dandy in a costume he made himself. He likes meeting people and wants to travel. He carries a little puffer with which he eliminates people.

However, he does not entirely eliminate Rael who continues on into a chamber of half woman half snake creatures who sensually and sexually assault him. And on this consumes what is left of their bodies and this turns him into a grotesque creature called a Slipperman. And a Slipperman can only escape from his grotesqueness by removing of his balls. Many Slippermen are reluctant to perform this operation. Rael and John, however, visit the notorious Doctor Dyper reformed sniper to take off their windscreen wipers.

This then gets us to a situation where a raven takes the little yellow tube in which the deceased sexual organs are contained and drops it into a large raven full of rushing water. And this is where the final episode takes place.

That was a beautifully little rehearsed number called Tuning the Guitar.

La Storia di Rael Parte.1 (Pre-Show, 24-1-1975, Los Angeles)

Good evening. Hellay, hellay.

We’ve written a big lump of story and music and we like to play the whole thing for you tonight.

It tells of how a large black cloud descends down into Times Square, straddles out across 42nd Street, turns into a wall and sacks in Manhattan Island. Our hero, named Rael, crawls out of the Subways of New York, and is sacked into the wall. To regain consciousness underground. This is the story of Rael.

La Storia di Rael Parte.2 (prima di Back in N.Y.C., 24-1-1975, Los Angeles)
This particularly point in the story, our hero Rael is moving underground into an almost perfect reconstruction of the streets of New York City. And with his childhood-memories he begins to think of his first romantic adventures and how he approaches the book titled, from a cheep discount-book-store, “Erogenous Zones and Difficulties in Overcoming Finding Them”. His first romantic adventure. After months of study of the fore mentioned book, he mastered his motions from initial arousal to completion in a mere 87 seconds, leaving his opposite number not even remotely titillated.

And he was left cuddling his own prickly porcupine. With the porcupine he found himself on a very soft carpeted corridor with thousands of little people needling and crawling, obsessively towards a heavy wooden door, through which a spiral staircase would lead them into a chamber with 32 other doors, only one of which could get any of them out.

La Storia di Rael Parte.3 (prima di Lilywhite Lilith, 11-1-1975, Lakeland)
Most of you familiar with the affection of drummers, will perhaps know, the only way lumps and bumps can be totally removed is the severing of the sexual organs. This is performed on these lumpy slippermen by notorious Doktor Dyper, reformed sniper, who for a very small fee will guarantee to remove your windscreen wiper. These are deposited into small yellow plastic tubes and Rael’s tube is whipped away by a large blackbird called raven, dropped into a large black area of water, called ravine, and there Rael sees his drowning brother John.

Parte 2.a The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway Tour (Gli show Europei con introduzione)

La Storia di Rael Parte.1 (prima di Back in N.Y.C., 27-4-1975 1975, Manchester)
Thank you. To begin, our apologies for the delay, we had some electrical problems.

At this point, I was walking along the street. This big one cloud comes up on me. (ndt:"grosso rumore") That was me on the cloud. And I woke up under the ground, in an almost perfect reconstruction of the streets of New York City. I began to notice a few familiar faces, including one particularly. A memorable face. The face of my first romantic encounter. Well it all happened when I saw a discount book store, a great masterpiece of a (ndt:"non si capisce cosa dice"): "Erogenous Zones and Difficulties in Overcoming Finding Them". So I bought it and studied it for many months. Until I could run through page one to page one-hundred, with tremendous sophistication and mastering of the subject. Finally my opposite member arrived, in the flesh, and I went through the entire motions of the book in 78 seconds, flat.

This magnificent piece of masculine performance, did not even remotely titillate my opposite number. (ndt:"qualcuno del pubblico urla qualcosa che assomiglia a NUDO!") How he froze (ndt:"non si capisce cosa dice Peter") that. (ndt:"qualcuno del pubblico urla qualcosa che assomiglia a TI VOGLIO!"). Thank you. Get over the excitement (ndt:"non si capisce cosa dice Peter") . He did not.

So I was left cuddling this really large prickly porcupine on a soft carpeted corridor. "Carpets by Cyril Lord, prices you can afford."

And there at the end of this corridor, there was a big spiral staircase, which led right up to a chamber with 32 doors. I could't understand why there's 32, because not one of them led anywhere, but back into the chamber.

La Storia di Rael Parte.2 (prima di Lilywhite Lilith, 27-4-1975, Manchester)
So there I was. In this chamber with hundreds of doors. And a woman there who was some pink and pale as all the little beetles and creatures that I see crawling around on the floor of the caves. Approaching me she said, "Can you help me?"
I thought "How can I resist a proposition like that?" So we held sweaty hands.
And she lead me through one of the doors down a passageway that I hadn't seen before, into a series of tunnels. Entering a large dark cave where she left me on a cold wet stone throne. This wasn't comfortable. Then there on my own I begin to hear funny things and there was this strange noise on my left - a whirring sound and these two golden globes hovered in, filling the cave with this amazingly white bright light.

(ndt:"qualcuno del pubblico urla"): "Bet you're not!"

"I was amazed at the whiteness" - Mrs. Janet H. of Bournemouth.

"It was the whitest I've ever seen" - Mrs. B.W. Bubble Regis

(ndt:"Peter con il respiro affannoso"): "I know that it's getting boring."

But I too was astonished by the bright whiteness so I picked up this little pebble and hurtled it in the centre of it and it smashed. Now look. I hit it right in the middle in fact. And the whole ceiling collapsed on my head. This was a little painful - but I escaped like all good heroes and went into the small rescue area where the delightful shattering shimmering spectre - your friend and mine - "but it wanted all of the season of our death" death. Instantly the D-E-A-T-H. Oh, this lovely man's doing one of his delightful costumes and he's all the same painted himself this particularly non-brand conscious 'snuff' outfit. One little PUFF and he's snuffing. Oh Honey. Get it?

I escaped again, like all good heroes, only to be sensually and erotically assaulted by three half-woman half-snake creatures, with very long tongues a'began to lick all over my body, licking the strange blue liquid which was emanating from my sweat pumps. This stiffed for giving these delightful creatures indigestion. I don't want to stop them till I heard a huge ROAR on my right.

(ndt:"il pubblico urla"): ROAR!

Peter: Thank you. Actually try again. A ROAR on my right.

(ndt:"il pubblico urla"): ROAR!

(ndt:"Peter appena bisbigliando"): Thank you we won't be trying that again.

And a huge Express train hurtled in carrying a packet of R-E-double N-I-E-S. Rennies! (ndt:"RENNIE è una marca di un digestivo, qualcosa come l'ALKA-SELTZER, per chi se la ricorda")

(ndt:"il pubblico urla"): RENNIES!

But alas it was too late! Because they shrivelled up and died. And it - all that was left of their horrible bodies - starving bodies - and this turned the, changed may note, into an ugly, lumpy, frumpy, my friend? and bumpy - species of humanity.

What. (ndt:"il pubblico urla il nome di Mike"):: Michael Rutherford) No. And I. Shut up.

They looked entirely similar to Mr. Philip Collins on my left.

(ndt:"i rimanenti Genesis applaudono verso Phil"):

Peter: As you know - the only way that...

(ndt:"il pubblico urla"): More!

Peter: Alright if you insist.

(ndt:"applausi da parte del pubblico"):

The only way to get rid of all these horrible lumps and bumps was the severing of the sexual organs. CHOOP! Real, that's me, a chance - deceased organs were placed into fully sterilised yellow plastic tubes by Doktor Dyper, notorious sniper, and a for a very small fee it guaranteed to cut off - ah very neatly - our windscreen wipers. The tubes. The tubes. The yellow plastic tubes. But all of a sudden a huge black bird, called "Raven", zoomed out of the air - zoom - zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom - grabbed the yellow plastic tube with my deceased sexual organ in it - ooph - and flew off. "Christ!" I said. So I hurtled off in hot pursuit, hot pursuit. And just as I was about to catch the tail of this Raven - it dropped it - into a huuuge area of gushing water with R-A-V-I-N-E in blue watery letters. A ravine, I thought. And as I watched the yellow tube disappearing, bobbing away - bob, bob, bob, bob - I saw my drowning brother John also in the water. Oh dear.

La Storia di Rael Parte.1 (prima di Back in N.Y.C., 2-5-1975, Birmingham)
So I was just walking along the street when this big cloud comes down. It becomes solid, like a screen showing up pictures of what existed around it before on the back side of it. And I was walking along seeing this wall closing up on me, behind me. Me on the wall. And I wake up in a little while, laid down underground. And it's just like it was above ground. I mean the streets of New York had been built again, a few years earlier. And one of the faces I see wandering down the streets is a face that has been haunting me for a long time: the face of my first romantic adventure. I bought this book called “Erogenous Zones and Difficulties in Overcoming Finding Them”. It's a book I studied for many months, devoted study, until I could move from page one to page one-hundred with tremendous sophistication and skill. Finally, the moment of realisation came. My opposite number arrived in the flesh, and I went through the entire number sequence in 78 seconds. This left my opposite number not even mildly titillated. And I was left cuddling this gigantic prickly porcupine on a soft carpeted corridor, “Carpets by Cyril Lord, prices you can afford.”

And it all led up to a spiral staircase which in turn led into a chamber with 32 doors, none of which went anywhere but back in the chamber.

La Storia di Rael Parte.2 (prima di Lilywhite Lilith, 2-5-1975, Birmingham)
I'm in this chamber with 32 doors, and there's this woman, a blind woman. Lilywhite Lilith is actually her proper name, and she says to me, she says “Can you help me?” How could I resist a proposition like that? So we held clammy hands, and I took her through all the people in the room, and she took me through one of the doors into a passageway I hadn't seen before. This went down a series of tunnels into a very large round dark cave. She left me on my own. I was sitting on this wet stone throne and I heard these strange noises coming in on the left: a whirring sound. Two golden globes began to hover into the cave filling it with an incredibly white bright light: “I was amazed at the whiteness!”: Mrs. Janet H. of Bournemouth. He's wearing one of his delightful costumes, he's all the same wonderfully himself, such a lovely man. This one he calls his “snuff” outfit. With a tiny little puff, puff, you snuff it. Get it? I did. He's a nice guy.

I need to be sensually and erotically escorted by three half-woman, half-snake creatures, who are going to be slid all over me with their long velvety tongues licking the strange blue liquid which is coming out of my body. This gave them indigestion. But I heard this huge roar on my left and a huge express train hurtled into the cave with a giant packet of R, E, double N, I, E, S on it. So I entwined a huge pearl off and broke it under with a pickaxe, stuffed the little bits down their throats, and they shrivelled up and died. I then ate what was left of their bodies. And this turned me into a horrible lumpy, humpy, bumpy species of a man not altogether different than the way you see Michael Rutherford.

The only way of getting rid of all those horrible lumps of ours, fellow Slippermen, and Michael Rutherford, was the cutting off of the sexual organ. Choop! So you see, my sexual organ and my brother John's were placed into fully sterilised yellow plastic tubes by the notorious Doktor Dyper, reformed sniper, with a decent fee and guaranteed to remove our very own windscreen wipers. And I heard a flutter in the winds of the wings because a huge black bird called Raven swooped down, swoop swoop, grabbed the yellow plastic tube in its beak, hop, and hurtled off, flying away with the yellow plastic tube. Christ! So I went off in hot pursuit, hot pursuit hot pursuit, and just as I was about to catch on to the tail of the bloody bird, he dropped it: it with it in it, into a huge area of gushing water with R, A, V, I, N, E, written in blue watery letters. “It's going to the ravine” I thought. And that isn't all, 'cause in the ravine, I see a huge plastic bubble saying “Your brother is drowning here.” Oh dear!

Mi raccomando Parcu, S-T-U-D-I-A ![:D][:)]

Last edited by Rael Matrix on 24 Apr 2010, 06:07, edited 1 time in total.
Rael Matrix
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Le storielle raccontate prima-durante il Lamb 1975

Postby TRE » 24 Apr 2010, 04:06

grazie RM per questo preziosissimo contributo.

a me però ha colpito una cosa diversa rispetto alle parole.

a me ha colpito moltissimo la foto che hai postato, che non avevo mai visto prima e che assolutamente sublime, una delle foto più belle mai viste sul gruppo originale.

guardarla è stata la materiaizzazione della idea di GENESIS che io ho in mente: quelli veri, quelli originali, quelli che meritano tutte le attenzioni di questo mondo.

invito tutti a guardarla attentamente, a fissarla lungamente.
poi, siccome ormai tutti bene o male hanno rudimenti di fotografia digitale prendete il programma di fotoritocco che usate e cancellate quella figura aliena al centro della scena:
riguardatela e ditemi se provate la stessa emozione.

molti di voi hanno scritto più volte che non c'è differenza: io ci trovo tutta la differenza di questo mondo

Last edited by TRE on 24 Apr 2010, 04:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Le storielle raccontate prima-durante il Lamb 1975

Postby Parcu » 26 Apr 2010, 17:00

Originally posted by Rael Matrix
Mi raccomando Parcu, S-T-U-D-I-A ![:D][:)]

A dire la verità era solo per una semplice interrogazione in inglese non per la maturità...Sono ancora in quarta è ancora presto non fatemici già pensare[:-D][:D][:D][:D]
Scherzi a parte,grazie mille per l'aiuto(se ne avrò la possibilità sicuramente porterò i Genesis alla maturità)[;)]

Intanto mi preparo in previsione futura[:D][:D][;)]
Lo terrò buono questo topic perchè le storielle di PG mi interessano molto,anzi se ne potrebbe aprire anche un altro mettendone magari una o due per ogni pezzo anche degli album precedenti all'Agnello[:D][;)]

PS: Oltre che per le storie grazie anche per la foto![:)][:)][;)]
Last edited by Parcu on 26 Apr 2010, 17:03, edited 1 time in total.
When the limos return for their final review, it's all thru'
- all they can see is the morning goo.
"There's no-one left alive - must be a draw."
So the Blackcap Barons toss a coin to settle the score!!!
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Le storielle raccontate prima-durante il Lamb 1975

Postby bislungo » 27 Apr 2010, 07:37

Originally posted by Parcu

Originally posted by Rael Matrix
Mi raccomando Parcu, S-T-U-D-I-A ![:D][:)]

A dire la verità era solo per una semplice interrogazione in inglese non per la maturità...Sono ancora in quarta è ancora presto non fatemici già pensare[:-D][:D][:D][:D]
Scherzi a parte,grazie mille per l'aiuto(se ne avrò la possibilità sicuramente porterò i Genesis alla maturità)[;)]

Intanto mi preparo in previsione futura[:D][:D][;)]
Lo terrò buono questo topic perchè le storielle di PG mi interessano molto,anzi se ne potrebbe aprire anche un altro mettendone magari una o due per ogni pezzo anche degli album precedenti all'Agnello[:D][;)]

PS: Oltre che per le storie grazie anche per la foto![:)][:)][;)]

Ho capito bene?
Fai quarta superiore nel 2010 e ti appassioni a questa roba completamente fuori dal tempo e di cui son certo che lo stesso Gabriel si vergogna come un ladro?
C'è qualcosa che non va....
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Le storielle raccontate prima-durante il Lamb 1975

Postby spillo60 » 27 Apr 2010, 17:23

Tutto va rapportato all'epoca cui ci riferiamo: quelle storie erano parte integrante dell'universo Genesis on stage ed hanno quindi un significato legato alle canzoni 1970/75, oltretutto se lette ed analizzate come si deve rivelano aspetti assai interessanti. E' chiaro che il Gabriel di oggi è lontano anni luce da quelle atmosfere e da quel linguaggio, ha anche dichiarato, ribadisco oggi, di essere imbarazzato per alcuni suoi costumi. Se un certo progetto che abbiamo in cantiere andrà davvero in porto ci sarà spazio per analizzare come si deve quelle singolari introduzioni a metà tra l'humour britannico, il nonsense e i giochi di parole.
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