finchè c'è vita, c'è speranza ( di reunion )

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finchè c'è vita, c'è speranza ( di reunion )

Postby emmevu68 » 30 Mar 2010, 18:00

26/03/2010 -

As previously reported, Genesis drummer/frontman Phil Collins has severe nerve damage after a neck operation last year, making it very hard for him to use his hands or even hold drum sticks.

"The first time I picked up the drum sticks after my neck surgery, they flew across the room because I couldn't grip them," Collins told Rolling Stone. "When I play, I've had to tape the sticks to my hand. It's like wearing a condom. It's very strange. It really cramps my style."

Not only has it affected his drumming but also his daily life, Collins revealed that he "can't let go of the spoon or the knife when I eat" or "open a car door."

Despite his disability, Collins is hopeful to perform again in a Genesis reunion. "My hands are down to picking the order of that possibility," he said. "Three years ago I didn't know I'd be in this position and three years from now it may not be like this. I think the main thing is [Peter Gabriel's] schedule and the speed he works anyway."

Genesis keyboardist Tony Banks does worry that the reunion may not happen because of Collins' medical issues. However he does think that there are ways to work around it with the use of technology. "I think if we were to do 'The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway,' there's always multimedia stuff that makes it possible now," Banks said. "It would be opening a huge can of worms, not just musical but getting out and playing it
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