RM, prorio a quello mi riferivo - certo che vuole anche dire 'vecchia scorreggia', ma in italiano non lo puoi usare per tradurre il significato metaforico, perché da noi nom si è mai usata.
Semmai vecchio scorreggione.
Elucubrazioni petaforiche [;)] a parte, a me sembra che come al solito ciascuno cerchi di ravvisare nelle parole di Gabriel il significato più consono al proprio orientamento mentale: le sue dichiarazioni mi sembrano abbastanza chiare.
http://www.petergabriel.com/news/(Peter's february update).
La sua lettera all'academy:
"I was delighted when "Down to Earth" was nominated for an Oscar. I was also pleased to have been asked to perform the song in the Oscar ceremony. However, in recent discussions with the Producers, it became clear that despite there being only three nominees, only 60-65 seconds was being offered, and that was also in a medley of the three songs. I don't feel that is sufficient time to do the song justice, and have decided to withdraw from performing.
I fully respect and look forward to the Producers' right to revamp the show. Even though song writers are small players in the film making process, they are just as committed and work just as hard as the rest of the team and I regret that this new version of the ceremony is being created, in part, at their expense."
I still very much look forward to attending the ceremony."
Non è che a lui hanno offerto meno spazio rispetto agli altri - e perché è vecchio! [:-I]
"Che cosa accomuna i Genesis ai Black Sabbath? Il fatto che per un certo periodo entrambi i gruppi, come cantante, hanno avuto Dio" - Langres Livarot.