RPWL This is not a prog song

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RPWL This is not a prog song

Postby Duke59 » 20 Feb 2016, 10:43

Favolosamente bravi ed ironici


Questo il testo che meriterebbe il premio NOBEL [;)] per non dire del medley prog/rock/pop inserito all'interno della canzone che inizia da 3:24 [:D]

Degli Elio e le storie tese senza gli eccessi adolescenziali del gruppo nostrano


(qui la versione senza medley della canzone che è piacevolissima https://youtu.be/9HaBYzFlS90 )

(Moron I:)
"Have you heard their sound
The new one is the worst they've ever done
No identity
Their music is just waste under the sun
This is definitely just the sort of music that can only be a mildly pleasant backgroung noise while you're doing
Something else

I know what you don't know
What you can't know because I'm a real smart guy
If I did what they do it would be great"

(Moron II:)
"They are a german band
Who try to play the music of Pink Floyd
And so they make their way
Unable to come up with their own style
I can't fault RPWL for lack of talent, but I certainly can point out
That they are not half as good as I could be

I know what you don't know
What you can't know because I'm a real smart guy
If I did what they do it would be great"

(Moron reprise:)
I know what you don't know
Because I'm the most underrated guy
I know what you don't know
Just to make it rhyme let's bake an apple pie
I know what you don't know
What you can't know because I'm a real smart guy
I know what you don't know
If it was up to me they could kiss my ass goodbye
To be quite frank they make me fucking sick

(Morons chatting....)
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Re: RPWL This is not a prog song

Postby Thomas Eiselberg » 21 Feb 2016, 12:39

Autoironici e simpatici, però è vero che per gran parte della loro carriera hanno scimmiottato i Pink Floyd (o almeno tutte le cose che ho sentito mi hanno dato quest'impressione) [:D]

Visto che siamo in tema di "plagiatori" autoironici e siamo su un forum dei Genesis, per chi se li ricorda, gli Ageness anni fa nel testo di in un pezzo (Revelation) di questo album se ne uscirono con questa frase qua "It Bites Marillion on the Twelfth Night of Rush. They all tried, but bitterly failed in replacing Genesis"

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Thomas Eiselberg
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Re: RPWL This is not a prog song

Postby chvfrc » 23 Feb 2016, 09:06

Duke59 wrote:senza gli eccessi adolescenziali del gruppo nostrano

in che senso? quali sarebbero sti eccessi?
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