Thank you all from Steve

Sezione riservata al celebre chitarrista del complesso nei suoi anni piu' gloriosi, ed in seguito impegnato in una carriera solista che prosegue tutt'oggi.

Thank you all from Steve

Postby Steve Hackett » 24 Apr 2012, 14:13

Ciao everyone!
I have just returned home from Italy and I am missing everyone there already! I enjoyed the tour very much. It was great to see you all and to meet up with so many wonderful friends and fans. What fantastic audiences everywhere! You were all amazing. I really look forward to returning as soon as possible...
Grazi mille...
Warmest wishes,
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Steve Hackett
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Re: Thank you all from Steve

Postby highinfidelity » 24 Apr 2012, 14:32

...and we are already looking forward for you to come back, Steve!!! [:)]

Thank you very much for being always so friendly with us fans, and congratulations on the outstanding performance of you and the band! Aside from your guitar, which you played at the very best, I especially enjoyed the return of the bass pedals with Lee Pomeroy, and the highlight of Amanda's vocals on Shadow of the Hierophant. Amanda sings very well and I'm looking forward to see what her cooperation with you might bring to us in your forthcoming gigs and records! [:)]

Yours Truly, Marco Gilardetti.
<< Conoscete voi spettacolo più ridicolo di venti uomini che s'accaniscono a raddoppiare il miagolìo di un violino? >>
(Luigi Russolo, Intonarumorista. 1913.)

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Re: Thank you all from Steve

Postby Zeppelin » 24 Apr 2012, 18:29

Hi Steve,

unfortunately I couldn't see your show, but I'm sure that you've done a wonderful present to italian fans who love your music!
I appreciated that you've written this topic after your return in England. It's great to know that Mr. Hackett has remembered to thank the people who support with love and passion the Genesis Forum Italia.

Thank you for be so kind with us!

Roberto Rizzi [:D]
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Re: Thank you all from Steve

Postby Pippo » 24 Apr 2012, 21:25

Hi Steve,
my son and I have seen your wonderful show in Florence, you and your band have been fantastic,
I hope you wiil come back soon
thank you
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Re: Thank you all from Steve

Postby vise60 » 25 Apr 2012, 11:51

Gentile Steve
Il ringraziamento particolare va a te e alla tua band da parte mia
Ero presente a Schio e il concerto e' stato di quelli che rimangono scolpiti per sempre nella memoria
A presto e "grazie mille"
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